I’m so behind on all things blogging about Weber Wedding Weekend.


Remember the post not long ago when I talked about our honeymoon and we decided we wanted to travel lots of places in an RV? Yeah…turns out not so much. I HATE the heat, what was I thinking? Instead, we decided to take lots of little trips throughout the next few months (more likely towards the Fall, because…I HATE THE HEAT.)

Our first trip was to the Berkshires so we could spend sometime with HWMMS’ Uncle Bob and Aunt Joyce who live nearby. I found this AMAZING cabin from VBRO (43 Acres on Both Benton and Big Ponds — 3BR Modern Cabin) and lucky for us it was available!

A week after Weber Wedding Weekend (we had too many errands to complete before leaving!) we packed the car…

and Henri the Doggie…

and headed out for our HONEYMOON!

Gotta love that honeymoon print shirt, eh? Also note HWMMS is wearing a Red Sox baseball cap, because he didn’t want to look like a tourist.

Henri loves car rides, so he had an incredible time along the way. Such a good doggie.

The view was lovely…and the temperature cool. Perfect!

Our first stop in the town of Otis, Ma was the Otis Poultry Farm where we stocked up on overpriced groceries for the week. When we told people in town we were staying in Otis everyone said “oh, that’s where the poultry farm is…” so of course it was a no-brainer to visit. Also, it was pretty much the only store/restaurant in the little town. 😉

And well, I do love eggs! Win-Win!

We drove up this dirt road which led to this…huge…cabin.

Absolute perfection in the middle of nowhere!

I never wanted to leave.

View from the bedroom loft…

Henri loved our Honeymoon. He was the best dog EVER.

We spent the days playing games, cooking, eating, and doing nothing in front of the fire…

Napping, reading…and luna moth watching!

The cabin was nestled away in the woods a short way from two ponds.

We took a day trip to Vermont, need to spend MUCH more time here, so this was just an appetizer. A beautiful drive.

Destination? Bennington Potters. (Mama Weber loved this place…)

We both fell in love with this pottery pattern, Blue Agate


and bought two place settings to start our collection.

On the way back from our perfect day in Vermont? HWMMS was getting very worried about the vibrating of the car…so much so that I had to program Sushi (our GPS, named by the niece Little A) to find the nearest tire shop.

Turns out (insert something related to tires and something something something here) we needed to replace all the tires (something we were going to do for months, but just didn’t…) and an alignment and something else $$$. But, all was well. Just a slight detour!

Ah, a fire makes EVERYTHING better.

That and WOLF vodka.  (I cannot believe I’m posting this awful photo of me!)

Since we were literally in the middle of nowhere in the woods, at exactly the right time of the year…I spent a lot of time just sitting around doing nothing…but watching luna moths. No really, just ask HWMMS how long I spent just watching these amazing creatures, I was captivated!) Luna. 😉

All in all, Luna Moth Obsession aside…it was an AMAZING week of solitude in the exact perfect place to be. I can’t wait to see what our next Honeymoon adventure has in store.

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