For the first time yesterday I was dive-bombed by not one, not two but THREE hummingbirds! I’ve never been that close to one before, those suckers are loud!
The first one I was on the porch and I realized I still had not replaced the hummingbird feeder that was hanging. So I figured the little guy was hungry. The next two times, I was out watering the berry bushes (blackberry, red raspberry, golden raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, loganberry and elderberry) and two times a wee bird almost landed on me.
I wasn’t wearing bright colors or fragrant perfume…
However I was wearing a dress that is made of basically garden camouflage. I wonder if this is the reason?
Silly birds.
Either way, I did go online and buy order a few more feeders for the side of the porches since they seem to really be hanging out this year. It gives the kitties something to look for while lounging on the porch, right?
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