I dislike talking on the phone.
I started never answering my home phone when I was working for an organization that could call me and offer overtime…and if I refused, could call me back and require me to work the shift. Not fun. And back in those days I didn’t have a cell phone. And caller-ID was more expensive and well…
In general I realized I didn’t enjoy talking on the phone. Mostly because I never know how to end a conversation. And I don’t really like to be interrupted unless I want to be interrupted which means unwanted phone calls ended up going to voice mail. Remember, my average conversation that would take 10 minutes for anyone else is at least an hour. I’m verbose, what else can I say? (Hee hee…)
I love email. Love love love love email. And Facebook messages and even text messages now that I have a slider keyboard. I would be afraid of how connected I would be if I could answer emails/messages on my cell phone but I know those days are coming soon.
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