I must be ovulating. I want a baby…………………………………..

(Although I’m not sure I want all the being pregnant stuff and everything…not for real. Not yet. Or do I? AAAAAAAuuuuugh!)

I have NO IDEA WHERE THIS IS COMING FROM TODAY. Henceforth, I blame ovulation. Ovulation has forced me to look with misty wet eyes at every single picture of my wee niece and all the baby pictures from my friends…and crave a family of my own.

And I can’t even afford to be me. (I’ve been reminded of that the hard way the past few weeks.) Ain’t no baby coming anytime soon. 🙁

But man…today, I would if I could.

Dear God, please make me back to normal tomorrow. Thank you.

Update: I think I want to be in the place where I can have babies…I want to be in that place and I’m not there yet, so I want what I can’t have. Which makes perfect sense now. Phew.

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