I’m a truck drivin’ gal!

Just our luck in the past 2 months we have had 5 flat tires between both vehicles. (And to think that just last year I was a household of one with no vehicles and this year we are a household of two with two vehicles.)

One was my fault. I hit the giant pothole at the end of the street. One was HWMMS fault, he parked a little too close when pulling into the garage. But the other 3? Well…the other 3 HWMMS believes are due to a conspiracy that the contractors who are currently out of work in Niagara County are plotting against us poor, unsuspecting travelers down the road. One particular road near our house seems to have an awful lot of screws and nails lying around that our tires keep picking up.

Anyhow, because the car has had several flats, I took the truck to work on Monday *just in case* something happened to the tire along the way. And I might have texted “I LOVE DRIVING THE TRUCK” maybe 27 different times which means when I get up in the morning and go to the garage instead of seeing the car…I see the truck waiting for me. Hurrah!

Not sure if HWMMS is trying to protect me still…or spoil me with granting me my wish this week but I’ll take it!

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