BUT I DID BUY THIS ADORABLE HOLIDAY DRESS ON SALE at Modcloth.. I’ll wear it one of these years in the future times. (Pretend I have a bra on, errr…yeah.)

I feel behind on life. I slept through noon. Told HWMMS I felt like I was slapped by a giant homemade noodle.

I have not: 1. decorated 2. baked cookies 3. sent cards.

I have however: 1. finally embraced listening to Holiday music 2. ordered cards 3. thought about making cookies.

AND CAUGHT UP WITH ABOUT 50 PAST BLOG POSTS. No joke. I’ve been lazy blogging on Twitter & Insta and I really want to have everything over here at All Things Jennifer. Somehow this fire was lit under my butt this weekend and that is what I did instead of all the MERRY THINGS.

Work in progress.

I’m not even gonna call it a “To-Do” list anymore. Maybe a “Might Want To Possibly Attempt” list is more reasonable?

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