Impeachment Time. I just want it all to end. Remember the feeling of being able to go to bed and not dread turning on the news the next morning? Sigh. For my own mental health, I cannot physically watch or listen. I haven’t been able to for months. I probably should have stopped after the Kavanaugh hearing, but it took me a little longer to give a shit about my own well-being to realize at the time. (In other words, I’m finally just now crawling out of that very long bout of depression!) It pains me to tune out, but it pains me more to tune in at such a frequency.
I just don’t understand (and I’m crying as I type this, silly emotional me…) how it got this far. Checks and balances are completely obliterated. It’s completely irrational and terrifying.
Twitter is my go-to political platform. If anyone cares to follow…
An impeachment trial
without any witnesses
is a #coverup
— Fredon Moniteau (@FMoniteau) January 21, 2020
"Nobody, NOBODY will dictate Senate procedure to United States Senators." -Mitch McConnell right now on the Senate floor
His office numbers in KY:(606) 864-2026, (859) 224-8286, (502) 582-6304 (KY zip code is 40203). Give him a call-say the American people demand he do his job.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) January 21, 2020
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