My cousin Brenda when she was oh, about 5 years old would proudly declare here three favorite songs were “Beat It, Eat It and Jump.”

Currently? My three favorite songs on my iPod are “Black Horse and a Cherry Tree, Suddenly I See and Let’s See How Far We’ve Come.” They might be the only three songs on my shuffle actually.

I need new music!!! Dayna and Kristen have both recommended many artists for me to look into. Anyone out there who might want to send me a disc of their favorites, I would be MORE than welcome to give them a try! The other day while listening to WBFO Xponential I tried to write down the names of songs and artists I liked, so hopefully I can find some new tunes this way too.

(I will add that list here once I find it!)

The very first thing I did after getting my iPod was upload All Things Ron Hawkins to iTunes. Of course the very next day when I turned on the computer it told me I had limited disc space available, yada yada yada…so I attempted to move my Music Library from the C drive (which is very small and for some reason things like iTunes upload to automatically) over to the HUGE D drive. And then I went to erase the iTunes in C, thinking it was safe in D and WALLA! No more music library for me. A system restore didn’t do a darn thing either. Wah wah.

So, basically I can only upload a small amount of music to iTunes to put on the iPod and then I have to erase it from the computer because we don’t have enough space. I’m sure a computer wizard could tell me WHY this happens (old computer?) but no matter, it does what it does. Limited C drive available and for some unknown reason the music will only play is saved to this drive.

Fun times.

I find myself currently re-uploading All Things Ron Hawkins and hopefully will get the music over to the iPod before needing to delete.

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