I hate Monday. I hate being the girl who waits until the last minute to complete her work. I hate thinking about the person I COULD be if I would stop being that girl. Blah.
My cats like to run races starting at 3am. They sound like galloping horses on the hardwood floor running down the long hallway run, run. gallop, gallop, sliiiiide thump. Later, rinse repeat.
BRRRRRRrrrr! Cold. It is cold here in WNY. Even worse…the dumb not so witty banter of the local newsanchors at 5am BLAMING the weatherman for the cold temps…
“Do you know that it is MAY, Pat? Why are you bringing us this weather?”
“Oh, yeah, I need to change my calendar.”
Just shut up and report the damn cold temperature.
I am out of coffee. This makes me very sad.
My paper is due in two hours and I should not be blogging.
I intend on kicking ass with studying all week…no, really. Much reading to do…but I will be prepared. Copyright and First Amendment finals next Mon and Tues….then nothing until summer classes. Blah.
I am questioning many things about myself today…and wishing I could stop questioning and start answering.
I am missing John and needing to see him soon…I am very, very glad he is home with his family…but want to be with him for support.
I am closely thinking about several friends in Cleveland and am looking forward to the visit in a few weeks…
Tis my friend Rachel and Brian’s 1st Wedding Anniversary. My first successful matchmaking couple. Happy day to them both, I can not believe it has been a year since the wedding…it feels like LIGHT YEARS AGO. The wedding was the last time I saw the X and the X girlfriend who is now engaged to him…and my X roomie. Letting go…letting go…I feel like I should be much farther away from how I feel today…
My mom is not moving. Go figure.
My cousin is hurting.
I have three friends who have just bought houses in the last few weeks and I can hardly afford rent.
Although in every other breath I speak about the fact that I might be in this new apartment for only a year, hopefully to be with John, for real…when I hear my best friend speak of the same happy circumstances and dream of future plans without me…I am terrified and scared and never want to leave…
I saw the bunny outside this morning.
I am happy that I saw my brother and sister last night.
Life. In blog form.
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