So I slept from 9:30 pm until a wee bit before 6:00 am. And I feel GREAT! I also walked to and from work yesterday enjoying the spring.

Not worrying about job…lalala.

Not worrying about house…lalala.

Boyfriend coming into town tonight…lalala.


I am wearing my favorite tattered Lowest of the Low Hoodie. And pigtails. And my fun striped socks and favorite deep turquoise sneaks. 🙂 I have my new rainproof black messenger bag with me (um, free when you buy a $10 subscription to Glamour!) and a camera with fully charged batteries. (took 120 pictures of my niece at her first birthday party!)

What is BETTER than an old school hometown all American opening night at the ballpark? Screw the rain! Bring on the cheezy promotions, the dancing Buster Bison and the National Anthem!

And… I’m planning on painting eggs with Marky after the fireworks. Of course, we would do this on Sunday BUT I will be in Rochester and eggs require refrigeration. D’oh!

Life is good. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend…

And I’m hard at work planning NEXT weekend too! WEDDING IN BOSTON! But what to do all day Friday and Sunday? Hmmm. (Art and penguins and seafood and history tour methinks!)

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