And now I will try to recreate the masterpiece formerly known as “Loud, Loud Leroy Car.”

First of all thank you to Paul “Shaggy-Larz” for teaching me how to drive my new junker mobile.

In addition to the joy he discovered in hearing me yell “FUCK” every time I stalled, or squealed, or couldn’t find a gear, Paul also got a good whiff of exhaust fumes (did this explain the constant laughter?) and experienced temporary hearing loss to the lack of an underbelly muffler system in the hot rod.

1989 Acura Integra. The previous owner of the luvbug happened to be a skater-boy, and yes the rust gives it character that allows for me to spray paint it black or red, or black and red and no one will even think twice about the paint job….it is THAT kind of a car and YES it is a hot rod. Shaggy even said so when I wasn’t the one driving…So to make this annoying run on sentence-esque paragraph complete. I named the car Leroy.

Leroy: “SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAL.” (When attempting to shift into gear from a stop)

Paul: (amused and laughing only because of exhaust fumes.) “That will never get old.”

I now have determined that I will be a healthier Jen in many ways thanks to the addition to Leroy.

1. I will never be able to go to a drive-thru window to order McGoodness or Doubledouble Timmy Ho coffee as long as I cannot figure out that “inching up” game.

2. I will never be able to go to a drive-thru ATM window to get FAST CASH $60! as long as I cannot figure out that “inching up” game.

3. I will never be able to go inside to order McGoodness or Doubledouble Timmy Ho coffee as long as I cannot figure out that “reverse out of parking space” game.

4. I will never be able to go inside the bank to take out FASH CASH $60 as long as I cannot figure out that “reverse out of parking space” game.

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