Hardly Working: David DiPietro: Incumbent David DiPietro’s Record of Absenteeism in the New York State Assembly – October 2018
The whole thing is worth a read. But this is my favorite part.
The Wochensky campaign has publicly shared facts related to Dipietro’s missed votes. Supporters, in turn, have chosen to include these facts in letters to newspaper editors and social media postings. Republican operatives, including a former paid staffer for Dipietro , have defended Dipietro’s dismal attendance record with the excuse that the passing of Dipietro’s mother was the reason for his absences from the Assembly.
Fact: Dipietro’s mother, Elaine Dipietro, passed away on June 17, 2016 at age 82 according to publicly available information. This was more than six months before the 2017-2018 Assembly term, on which the majority of this report is based, began.
A family member’s death can be challenging for any employee. One of the aspects of A10639 – An act to amend the workers’ compensation law, in relation to paid family leave and bereavement was that ample time should be provided to employees to grieve and ensure affairs are in order. Dipietro voted “Nay” when this legislation was in the Labor committee.
From the Buffalo News article:
“DiPietro also noted that his mother was in the hospital and died in June 2016, during the waning days of the session when hundreds of bills are considered. He missed those days, he said. But Wochensky’s report deals mainly with the following term, not that year.”
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