The week before last I was just done. Done. DONE. I decided to start making (lots) of (little) changes all over the place to get rid of this unending, bloat and inflammation and exhaustion and manage my diabetes. I couldn’t stand it anymore.
One week down, with (lots) of (little) changes AND a weekend of my normal diet…and I’m down 7 pounds. (Added—yes the number is nice, but I could care less I want to FEEL BETTER. If I lost that much weight just from one week, my body has a lot of healing to do.)
Holy crap. I can’t imagine if I kept with the changes over the weekend. I’m praying for the strength that I can keep moving in the right direction. AND I THANK my rock – HWMMS for making sure I stay on track when I need it most (last night for example…I wanted to STRESS EAT ALL THE BURGER KING but he led me back home.) Thank you love.
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