I love Buffalo. I want to stay in Buffalo. Do good great things in my community. Settle down. Raise a family. Be close to friends I love. Be happy. Be familiar. Be safe.

But, another part of me wonders if Mark is supposed to be in Rochester a little longer…we talked about it before I decided to further my career at current agency. Now that’s off the table, so? Rochester is a lovely city. I could live there easily.

OR? Since both of us are basically free without *strong* ties to either Buffalo or Rochester, perhaps there is no day like today…Anywhere is possible. Oy. The fuse is short, the countdowns on…2 months I have to figure this all out.

But for now? I go back to doing something that makes me happy. Art and Reading.
As read in SELF magazine.

“If your not feeling yourself pick up a paintbrush. After a one hour art therapy session, cancer patients reported having more energy and less pain and tension, according to a study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. The repetitive brushstrokes of painting can be soothing but all art forms can help relieve pent up emotions no matter what ails you.”

And what better book to clear my mind…Im about 150 pages along.

And then, I shall walk to get some coffee and groceries to make dinner for my honey tonight. All things that Jennifer loves.

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