Monday, A Ode. Or not.

Dear Monday,

I know you’ve always been the overachiever in the family. The first born. The confident assertive leader. The one Day of the Week who makes homemade blueberry muffins and freshly squeezed orange juice after taking in an hour long workout and nice hot shower. I know you’ve already had the proper 2 cups of coffee and read all three of the big newspapers while I am still in bed, savoring the last few moments I will have with my boyfriend until the weekend comes again.

Monday, I know it ain’t easy being so unloved. I can imagine that your siblings, the middle child Wednesday of Hump Day fame and the fun loving *baby* of the family T.G.I. Friday have their own tales of woe as well. Why don’t you take some time out of your hectic schedule and start spending more time with your siblings? Just a few more hours a week could make this Oldest Child much, MUCH happier with her Middle Child (Hump Day, ahem) boyfriend. And if I am in a better mood. Everyone is in a better mood.

Please, take this into consideration for this coming weekend. Thank you. Back to the old grind. And another cup of coffee.


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