Mushrooms and Bulb Planting: It’s been a beautiful week, weather much warmer than usual which meant it was the PERFECT time to plant.

Bulbs, bulbs, more bulbs and…mushroom plugs?

I planted two beds of garlic, a bed of yellow onions and a bed of leeks.  (About 200 in each bed.) I’ve been growing the onions and leeks in the greenhouse the last few months, gonna try overwintering these bad boys for the first time this season along with a small bed of turnips, carrots, rutabaga, and celeriac that I planted about six weeks ago.

The rest are perennial bulbs. 500 more for the side perennial garden (about 15 different kinds of flowers all blues, purples, white and pinks.) And 500 yellow daffodils for me to sprinkle about the homestead in bunches. I did plant a few bunches of red tulips by the climbing roses near the porch too.

While I was out planting bulbs, HWMMS was in the back working on our future mushroom garden. MUSHROOMS? Yep! 100 brown oyster and 100 shiitake plugs bought from the online store Mushroom People after reading an article about cultivating mushrooms from logs.

Cause you know, HWMMS cut down a WHOLE LOTTA logs and trees earlier this summer when he rented out that backhoe for a few days.


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