My Life, in a Nutshell


Hi Blog. I miss you.

Wonder if anyone else notices I’ve been quiet?

Eh, whatever.

Here’s the quick scoop.

A few times a year it gets really, really, really, really busy at work. I’m smack in the middle of one of those times. On top of all the normal day-to-day catching up and adding things to the to-do list I’m working on a MACRO level trying to get everything ready for next year. Fun times. Love it. (Actually, I do…) But man, there aren’t enough hours in the day. Late nights of work. Bringing home work. Work Work Work.  I need to find some Work-LifeWork balance.

Oh yeah, and then there’s Weber Wedding Weekend. In a word—-OVERWHELMING. As soon as I flipped my beautiful Allegheny College calendar to February I freaked out. SO MUCH TO DO! SO SO SO MUCH TO DO. I’ve been working behind the scenes and mostly in my head late at night and on Pinterest but I—we—have to get things in order STAT. Seriously. I can’t write about it right now because I wouldn’t know where to begin or end. Which means making decisions. It’s not that I can’t make a decision, it’s just that there are so many decisions I would like to make.

I’m not INDECISIVE I’m MULTI-DECISIVE. If I make one decision, I can’t make the other ones!

We also have to get cracking for realz in getting HWMMS’s mama’s condo on the market. As in, three months ago. Last month would have been good.  Hahahaha. This involves us getting OUR home ready to move all the gorgeous antique furniture sets from the condo to our place. Which means we need to PAINT and rip out all the carpet and put down flooring. Since that hasn’t happened yet, it seems like we will be paying movers to put everything in a storage facility for a few weeks/months and then move the furniture again to our place once completed. HWMMS is meeting with an appraiser this week for the condo, so we have the ball in motion, but we still need to repaint all the walls and uberclean all the carpets AND finish getting everything from the basement (we are so close, but still loads to go!)

Breathing in , breathing out.

Some of you might have noticed on Facebook my posting of lovely houses in the area…we have been going back and forth between the idea of buying a new home (with bedroom space for a future family) and the idea of basically starting over with the ranch we are living in now and building a second floor. So I’ve been checking out the listings and dreaming…of course all the work we need to do in our house now will still need to be done if we are going to sell that one and move, so it’s not a waste of time…AND registering for plates/tablecloths and towels etc require some idea of a color scheme. Which means making decisions. It’s not that I can’t make a decision, it’s just that there are so many decisions I would like to make.


Hardly problems I’m complaining about of course, life is AMAZINGLY good. Just also AMAZINGLY busy right now.

Back to the grind.

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