Oh. I knew it had been a while since I blogged but – since 2/21? Booooooo.
My Brain Is Just BLANK. Not foggy, blank. Moon Wife responded back with “My mind is a dippy egg today…” And yep. I resemble that remark. The precarious edges of the
OH MY GOD, this is the perfect example—I just stopped typing because I couldn’t remember a word. I turned to HWMMS and said, ‘Wait, what’s the other part of the egg called? Not the yolk, the white part.’ And then it hit me… ‘OMG, it’s called egg white, isn’t it?’
Anyhow, finishing that thought – The precarious edges of the EGG WHITE just barely holding in the thick gooey blob of yolk. Otherwise known as the state of my brain right now.
CLOSED FOR SPOON MAINTENANCE. I wish I could. Alas, work calls. (Photo borrowed from my new Bluesky Kindred – Gaer.)
So anyhow, no blogging since the 21st of February means I need/want to do a bit of back blogging so be prepared. I thought that might happen tonight, but instead I stumbled upon a live feed with Dr. Zackary Rubin* and Under the Desk News — (which I have not heard of, shame…) and realized they are in ROCHESTER because they mentioned Buffalo and I looked it up and HELLO!
*Also, doctors with bow-ties are my favorite.
So no back blogging from me. Tonight. Instead a few random thoughts from the day.
- Why does cutting the nails on our dog feel like we are waterboarding him?
- As I type in yet another two-step authorization code, I wonder — does it really matter?
Finally, while I have been failing with words – someone I love has been on a writing marathon lately – My dear friend Colleen recently wrote this – I approve of this message. 💙💛
“I do not have all the answers, but I know this: we must not let fear keep us silent. We must not let exhaustion keep us from trying. And we must not let those in power dictate our morality. ”
Tomorrow is another day, with perhaps a blog in it.
Oh wait, tomorrow is Thursday. The longest of days. The day I traditionally get home from work – take out the doggos and head straight to bed. Funny thing is – I already did that YESTERDAY (my what a day it was…) so my DIPPY EGG BRAIN was thinking today is FRIDAY and not WEDNESDAY and well, spoons please.
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