Bright moon, crisp air, peepers peeping.
Damn dog knew I needed that moment.
And this time outside gave Giant Conehead Puppy the ability to roll over and finally relax and sleep.
Jordan had a trip to the emergency vet yesterday, a few sutures and staples later she’s gonna be fine but OMG BIG BABY. She insists on sleeping on me. She is usually the anti-cuddle dog. (Unless you are her papa.) You can see Harley Boo shiny eyes sleeping on Giant Puppy’s bed in the background. Harley ALWAYS SLEEPS WITH US. But he is being a good boy and giving his cranky sister all the room. I love them so…
An hour later? Papa got up to use the bathroom and then coaxed baby boy up on the bed…which means, Harley is now sleeping on his head since Giant Conehead Puppy has the rest of the bed.
I wouldn’t have them any other way. But man, that’s a lot of brindle on our bed!
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