Red Velvet Cheesecake Cups
Sometimes, the things I bake turn out AMAZING, this recipe is one of those times.
I started out wanting to make Red Velvet Cupcakes in honour of the season. Having never baked such a cupcake or in fact tasting such a treat I did a little bit of internet sleuthing.
Once I started looking around I realized the cupcake would not be enough. I needed to add a layer of CHEESECAKE (duh!)
I settled on this recipe from Cookie Madness: Red Velvet Cheesecake Cups. Yum. I of course had to double the recipe…
RED. So much red. Hence the name right? RED Velvet Cupcakes? Too bad that cocoa on the left overtook the red…oh well.
The batter ended up being VERY thick and sticky. I improvised and added a 1/2 cup of buttermilk. Whipped up the cheesecake (and licked every inch of the bowl) and prepared the cupcakes for baking.
Dear God. I couldn’t even wait to frost them, I had no choice but to eat the odd shaped one immediately. DELICIOUS! Holy cow what a winner!!! So fluffy. cheesecake perfect. Almost devil foodsy in the end, I think I used tablespoons instead of teaspoons of cocoa, oh well. AMAZING!
A few sticks of butter and packages of cream cheese later, I made a very light pink cream cheese frosting to top the cupcakes. You know Valentine’s Day and all. Had the cupcakes been red as planned I would have eliminated the pink, but I was feeling sassy.
I’m not much of a sweets person, but I can tell you…these might be the best cupcakes I’ve ever tasted. (And no, I haven’t been drinking…a lot anyhow.)
My co-workers are gonna LOVE ME! That is…if they make it out of the house, I have my doubts.
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