I am not in need.

I fell asleep on the futon in the living room.
Accidentally. Surrounded by reading fodder for my mind.
Must have been the chai…warm milk…(but, half water)
A delicious complement to the chilly night..
I was going to start the Lance Armstrong book from the library.


A few hours later, purrrrrrr. Purrrrrrr. Purrrrrr!
The *love me now* demanding, purrrrrr!
I frequently identify with this disposition.
(But not quite for, the position.)
Giant kitty has decided to rest on my head.

The lights, are off.
Computer. off.
TV. (news) off.
Roomie off…to bed.
My mind…off.

Yet the tricktricktrickling of the zen/candle/newagy rock garden waterfall…
Reminding me I need to go to the bathroom.
Which will interrupt the enjoyable Jen (Zen) moment.
Always a study in contradictions.

Before I fell asleep, accidentally, I was thirsty…
NEEDED never-ending glass of orange juice to perk up the unsteady immune system.
Of course, no orange juice.
A head full of cobwebs, irritation spun by the bewilderment of modern technology.
And lack of sleep.

I shall wake tomorrow to a new day…
I am not in need.

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