I really love He Who Makes Me Smile. Cause this past Saturday morn, at a very early hour (for me) I dressed up in full costume to accompany my love to Old Fort Niagara for the Soldiers of the Revolution event. I actually adore the outfits, bring on the petticoats!
But for the fact that it is the middle of the summer and the outfit consists of many layers of material. A nightgown, an overcoat, a petticoat, an apron and warm, felt-y moccasins. Hot. (I refused to wear the adorable wool above the knee stockings though, I might be in love but I’m not crazy!)
When He Who Makes Me Smile dresses up he ALWAYS wears contacts, even though he has these sinfully adorable period correct glasses he could be sporting for his lady. I love glasses…
Bum check. I mean, weapons. Or something. Huzzah!
I purchased a little light reading for my lazy moments at the Fort while my honey was off at war…A New System of Domestic Cookery.
So next time I will be able to be in charge of the post-reenactment event feast! However, comma I will not be making recipes like this one, no matter how historically accurate we are as a group.
Pig’s Cheek for Boiling: “Cut off the snout and clean the head; divide it, take out the eyes and the brains, and sprinkling the head with salt, let it drain twenty four hours. Salt it with common salt and saltpetre. Let it lie eight or ten days, if to be dressed without stewing with peas; but less, if to be dressed with peas; and it must be washed first, and then simmered till all is tender.”
The one thing I wasn’t not expecting was the fact that being in full reenactment attire, people will ask me questions and think I know the answers. Um, time to do a lot of reading! While in the French Castle someone asked if the King of France ever visited during that time period and I correctly answered, no…followed by “but I hear he did Skype in for important battle meetings.”
Hahaha. I’m clever.
But really, being a part of the history of the event instead of just an innocent picture taking blogging bystander brought upon a whole new world of responsibility…and a whole lot of random people taking photos as I walk around the fort. I almost felt like an animal in a zoo!
Of course when FRIENDS take pictures, now that’s an entirely different story.
The best part for me, in addition to being with He Who Makes Me Smile is watching the kiddos. In this history lesson the kids joined an army and learned about muskets and bayonets and well, um, losing in a war. One little kid was a deserter and ran from one side to the other across the battle field. Cracked me up!
And then there are the two cutest little twin boys from the group. I pretty much followed these two everywhere I could. God Bless their Mama and Papa they have their hands full. And I cannot WAIT to have my hands full with little reenactor babes someday as well. Heart. Melt. Ovary. Overload.
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