My true love of self gave to me…sleeping until 2pm because I was up ALL NIGHT COUGHING.


He Who Makes Me Smile and I have been fighting this cold/cough thing for way too long now. I’m ready for it to end.

I suppose celebrating with a Holiday Happy Hour, Chuck Cousin Christmas, Smith Christmas, Shea Open House, Chuck and Jen Christmas, Bloss Bowling and Smith Cousin Christmas in the last 5 days might have something to do with needing all the extra rest. Thankfully we both have off of work today to catch up on doing NOTHING. (Which means sleeping, blogging and cleaning and planning.)

Hurrah for doing NOTHING!

He Who Makes Me Smile unfortunately has to go back to work tomorrow…while I will be working…on Weber Wedding Weekend planning and dreaming of paint colors for the house (all rooms will be painted at the end of January and all carpet is being pulled up to replace with Pergo floors and we need to move the furniture from Mama’s house to our house AND buy a new living room set.) And then there’s the list of friends still left to see before the New Year!

Merry. Merry.

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