Search results: "cats"Page 3 of 4


Kitties Gone Wild! Oh my heart. I’ve been sleeping in the bedroom which of course is where Little Ling sleeps, since this has been the arrangement for about…


Apartments AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUGGH! I’m so fucking sad.  Sick mostly, and sad. I need this to be over a lot faster. I want to be settled. I hate that the…


Grrrr… I can’t STAND the sound of Simba Cat’s voice any longer. The damn cat howls at all freaking hours of the early morn and is really, really,…

Things I Loved As A Kiddo

Things I Loved As A Kiddo I loved my Boom Box more than anything in the world. And my cat Bandit. And my funky hat and red glasses?…

The Philosopher Cat

The Philosopher Cat I gave this book The Philosopher Cat to my friend Melissa in Rochester for Christmas (who practices Wing Chun and loves her two cats Tony…

The year in review.

1) Where were you when it turned 2006? In Rochester, NY with Mark at his apartment. 2.) What was your status by Valentine’s Day? Seriously coupled! And talking…

“First no spinach, now, no power.”

1. I’m still not on speaking terms with SNOW, in case anyone is wondering… 2. This “cold/allergy” thing MUST END! I am so sick of being sick. After…

But I like milk?

Long, long time ago my very cool Aunt Carroll took her 13 year old niece to Chi-Chi’s after a trip to the Millcreek Mall in Erie Pa. She…

“This is not our cat!”

Oh dear. I haven’t yet blogged about the joys of co-parenting FOUR cats…I might as well being somewhere. Mark and I are hanging out in our *Middle Room*…

Roller coaster…

This week has been a roller coaster. Sunday, Mark came to town, no more job, only hope for the future in his pockets. And a few clothes We…

Apartment Hunting

Apartment hunting is getting to me. I have called at least, at least 200 places in the last 6 weeks. Ok, in fairness, we have only been looking…

Saturday Meme

Just another Saturday in Rochester.   So instead of taking the time to blog anything of substantial value, from one of the numerous notebooks lying around…or instead of…

Wedding Season

Gadget Planet: Wedding bells and whistles By Catherine Berlin and William Altreuter Featuring this book: Anti-Bride Etiquette Guide Who knew this book was out there? Now before ya’…

Ling and Keesa

Introducing my future step-cats. Ling and Keesa. I’m not really all that sure that Simba Cat and Sasha Kitten will get along with Mark’s two *very bitchy/prissy* girls….


There are days I greet everyone in the office with a cheery *Good morning!* and then there are the days when I can only muster out *Morning* Whatever….


YIKES! First off. My sleep last night was all over the place. I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn and came back to Buffalo from the weekend,…

The Artist’s Way Week #2

The Artist’s Way Week #2 *Recovering a Sense of Identity* QUOTES “Snipers are people who undermine your efforts to break unhealthy relationship patterns.” -Jody Hayes “Learn to get…

Bunny Rabbit Dream

“A dream is a microscope through which we look at the hidden occurrences in our soul.” Erich Fromm After my dad passed away, over 15 years ago…I found…

Black Friday is coming around again…

While the rest of the world shopped, I slept. And slept. And slept : ) (Lots of Turkey yesterday!) Just getting up now… Not having any $$ to…

The Doctor and his Wife

Sometimes I don’t know how I got so lucky… The good doctor brother and his wife decided to give their bigger, depressed, unemployed sister a little boost. Nutritionally…

September Blogiversary

Ah. Happy Blog-I-versary…to me  in seven days. AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my two favorite people in the whole world (who just happen to be bloggers as well as…

27 (times 3) things about me!

27 (times 3) things about me! 1. My name is Jennifer Smith, feels like Jane Doe…My Mom tells me Dad liked Ethel Anne. I am glad I’m Jennifer….

The Time Travelers Wife

I got lost in a book last night, suddenly my cats wanted food, the birds were chirping and light was all around. Hmmmm. Damn. When will I fall…

Sunday morning.

I love Sunday mornings. I do not like the cold and rain that has fallen upon the WNY region, indefinitely. But I like the pretty wild violet looking…

Life. In blog form.

I hate Monday. I hate being the girl who waits until the last minute to complete her work. I hate thinking about the person I COULD be if…

May Day

Hmmm. I am working on about 1.5 hours of sleep and I haven’t even reached crunch time yet…interesting. Boring blog ahead… Soooo…last night while the roomie Erin went…


Boyfriend wakes me up with phone call at 6:00 am. I love his phone calls, look forward to speaking to him at all times…but 6:00 this morning, not…