Personal Goals: The month of November is always the month that I think I’m going to actually get my shit together someday and actually WRITE FOR REAL. And when I start thinking I will be WRITING FOR REAL because of NaNoWriMo, I start to think I will get ALL THE THINGS TOGETHER IN LIFE, FOR REAL. Makes total sense to me.

This November is no different. So instead of just mentioning the goal of WRITING FOR REAL I have a few others I want to accomplish too.

1. Get 70,000 steps in every week. Which means I need to start wearing my FitBit again, eh?

2. Daily green smoothies, supplements and water. No excuses, this is an easy one to do yet I still occasionally fail.

3. Take Jordan out for a walk, every day. No excuses.

4. Spend time with each kitty daily (if I can find them all!)

5. BLOG everyday. I need to catch up with all the things of this past year by the end of this month.

6. NaNoWriMo essays. I’m not going to be so bold to suggest I’m getting in 50,000 at the end of this month, however I should have at least 27,000 of REAL WRITING and I damn well better surpass the overall amount with my blogging.

7. Morning pages. Dream journals. Not everyday, but I need to get in the habit of clearing my mind when I first wake up.

8. Mediation. Must. Start. 15 minutes a day. Easy peasy, right?

9.  Read at least three books per week. I would like to have 15 by the end of the month, but I will settle for 10. My to-read right now piles all over the house are getting out of control. And now is the PERFECT weather to read about herbalism/gardening instead of, well, gardening duh!

10. Complete one DIY/crafty/home-improvement project each week.

11.  Try two  new recipes per week. This will involve actually reading through the many pretty cookbooks and dogeared pages I have collected over the years.

12. Social Media Goals. Pinterest at  20K, Twitter at 4K

Sure, sure. Let’s check in next Sunday and see how I did Week One!

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