Funny thing this blog universe. I have been writing in my head for days. Long, significant sometimes meaningful other times ridiculous blog entries in my head. And I have had the time, just not the inclination. Hmmm. And it all made sense today, because today January 4th 2004 everything changed a little. Perspective made clear. I could have wasted countless hours pouring over situations in my journal and blog that are no longer relevant. Hmmm. So now you, dear friends and loyal readers…will have to catch up to me postdated. Not in the original intended form, but still words to be put out there. Be patient. Now that I was FIRED FROM MY JOB, which I found out so nicely this morning when I “checked in” to make sure all was ok…I have all the time in the world.
Fear not friends. I am *ok* correction I know I WILL BE ok…I have two very strong pillars of support holding me up right now. I will be great. Happy New Year. Happy 30th Birthday. Oh, and a Merry Christmas as well.
I’m not an *ass crack licker* An updated ranting angry version of “someone who kisses ass” I kinda like it. I’m secretly overjoyed that I do NOT have to go into my shift tonight. The two weeks off did not ease any trepidation I was feeling toward my job. And even after I JUST FOUND OUT that I was screwed by my former employer, I was able to state “This is a blessing in disguise.” Blah.
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