Ah. Thoughts upon seeing last nights performance of Radio City Christmas Spectacular at Shea’s.

1. Yay! The tickets were free! Thank you! (Work perk!)

2. Loved spending time with my friend Jenn, thank you for coming with!

3. I wish I would have had a few drinks at dinner before hand…

4. Buffalo is such a super small town. My co-worker Maggie walked in to get her tickets and she ended up knowing my friend Jenn. Good times.

5. Shea’s really is a lovely theater.

6. I love Christmas.

7. But even I think it might be a little *too* early to enjoy the holiday spirit, it was warm outside last night!

8. Wow lots of stairs to the top of the balcony…

9. Hmmmm. So those are the Rockettes, eh? I wonder if the traveling Rockettes are equivalent to the 2nd string players or the practice squad?

10. Long legs. Lots of legs.

11. Man, lots of kids in the audience too, I think I needed to bring a kid…(sorry Jenn!)

12. Are they lip-synching? I think they are. But I wore the wrong glasses (old prescription) so I couldn’t really tell.

13. It’s a little too early to be thinking about Christmas, even for me.

14. Man, I wish I would have hung out where Maggie did before the show…her and Aunt Liz are having a great ol time singing along! I bet they might even be shhhhuuuushed by the he-she person a few rows in front of us during the 2nd half!

15. OH GOD. Are those really Little People?

16. Yes, they are little people.

17. This Santa dude is kinda annoying me.

18. But the costumes are so pretty and colorful! I love the skirts!!! WANT!

19. Am I the only one not impressed? I’m not a scrooge, I swear. I guess I just don’t really care for dancing all that much.

20. Ok, ok, the kickline. Got it. I wonder if they HATE doing the kickline?

21. Oh yeah, that little girl Emily is totally a pawn. I know it…I just know it.

22. YEP! She is! Surprise surprise! (And Santa still kinda annoys me.)

23. Um, these are not the toys I was dreaming of as a little kid…

24. These bears are sort of trippy, they freak me out.

25. OH GOD! MY NIECE is going to be seeing this show! And she hates MASCOTS!! (She must hide during Scene 5, remind her mama.)

26. Ok, now I’m scared of mascots, why are the bears rolling around on stage? Are they in heat or being sleepy?

27. Thank God that scene is over the little people dancing as snowmen reminded me of novelty salt and pepper shakers. SO BAD. I know.

28. Wooden Soliders. Um, I think this act could have accomplished the “ooh and ahh” in about 2 minutes. I was over it waaaaay before it was over.

29. Sigh, maybe I am a scrooge but Mrs. Claus is annoying too.

30. INTERMISSION! Time to review the donor lists in the playbill for fun!

31. Ooooh sexy Santa rockettes. Dear God, that reminds me. I bought a sexy Santa outfit last year on clearance…grrrrr.  Looks like I’ll be drinking the bubbly and dancing around in my new outfit singing “Santa Baby” all on my lonesome this year. Bah.

32. Someone to dance for…someone to dance for…um…oh yeah watching the show. Back to reality.

33. Giant bulbous bright and colorful Christmas trees and sparkly mermaid poinsettias, ok?

34. Ah. Winter Wonderland scene. LOVING this one. The outfits are gorgeous. Light blue and sparkly and gliterry and shiny and white and pretty. Oooh! This scene is my very favorite! And tis the last one. Damn. I really liked that one, why didn’t I like all the others so much?

35. Oh wow. The Living Nativity? One Solitary Life? Holy holy holy. Somber and holy. This is odd. I feel like I’m in church. Is this happening?

36. I’m pretty sure this is happening…

37. And I’m pretty sure kicklines are not…

38. But one can always hope right?

39. Um, was that a camel that just walked by?

40. Camels and sheep oh my. Kicklines? I miss the kicklines! Bring back the little people!

41. Or not. I should just sit here and take in the religious. I’m not sure why the Radio City Dancing Rockette Spectacular would even want to include this as part of the show? No dancing. No legs.

42. And the story goes on…and now we are celebrating Easter. I feel uncomfortable. I guess it’s pretty and all but so odd.

43. MAYBE the wise men will dance? Oh wait, this isn’t Saturday Night Live, damn.

44. Over?

45. Done?

46. No really? Did they just end the show?

47. House lights are on. I don’t think they are coming back.

48. Hmmm. I’m not sure how I feel anymore, that was odd.

49. Thank God the tickets were free. And damn it what was that funny blog post title I said after the show again?

50. I feel sorry for little people.

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