Just ignore how very, very bad this very, very good cake really is. Tis Mark’s favorite and his family birthday cake tradition. Thank you. Moving right along.

Texas Sheet Cake

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Bring to a boil in saucepan:
1/2 cup shortening, 1 stick margarine, 4 T cocoa and 1 cup water.

Pour mixture over:
2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar and 1 t. soda

Mix well and add:
2 eggs, 1 T vanilla, 1/2 cup buttermilk

Pour batter into large 10 X 13 jelly roll pan. Bake for 20 minutes.


Bring to a boil in saucepan:
1 stick margarine, 6 T. milk, 4 T. cocoa

1 pound powdered sugar, 1 T. vanilla, 1 cup chopped walnuts.

Frost cake while still warm.

And as Mark’s mom adds to the end “UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM GOOD!”

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