All I want to do is plant massive amounts of gardens and trees and raise chickens and rabbits and live off the land with He Who Makes Me Smile at my side while spending time traveling together and raising babies and building a bigger house and reading and writing all the live long days. Pretty please?
Still true 5 years later. Except we have the bigger house and the massive gardens and still keep planting trees and the idea of kiddos makes me tired, raising giant puppies instead? We did do quite a bit of traveling over the last 5 years, that was pretty incredible.
Chickens and rabbits? I still have some work to do with HWMMS on that one. Plus Harley Boo has a pretty serious predatory drive we would need to work on if we did get chickens (our poor cats.) Maybe in the next 5 years. I keep telling HWMMS that if the zombies come we weren’t going to be vegan Weber Wonderland. All in good time.
But I took special note at the last part—READING AND WRITING ALL THE LIVE LONG DAYS.
Hmmmm. I’m listening.
Or am I?
Inspiration from today’s Daily Om “Forgetting about what you love to do can be a form of self-sabotage.”
I keep setting up road blocks and going backwards to my comfort zone. Or trying…default on keeping busy and doing all the things.
I’m trying to make my world quieter. I need to honor that. I need my EGO to remember to honor that. It is in the quiet, stillness I will find out what’s next. Patience.
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