Early Saturday morning at about 2 am? I woke to our truck alarm going off. Mark went outside to turn it off, checked everything out which looked fine and we went back to bed.

Around 3:30 am? We woke to the truck alarm going off again. This time we SPRINTED out of bed, ran to the window and of course no one in sight. We saw someone on the other side of the road walking…but nothing. Truck looked fine.

Mark now went back to bed in the middle room, just in case the alarm went off again…

WHICH IT DID AT 4:45 am. Again, by the time Mark made it to the window (less than a minute?) No one in sight. Of course this time the alarm wouldn’t turn off by the button alone, Mark had to go manually unlock the door and start the engine.

I went to bed secretly hoping there was an electrical short and the alarm accidentally kept tripping.

Next afternoon? Mark is home from class in Rochester and I’m home from a Junior League meeting and we are getting ready to go visit friends at their new cottage on Lake Ontario. Mark points out to me that on the right side of the truck, the seal on the back window has been ripped off and it looks like the seal on the back door was trying to be ripped off as well.

I’m f*cking pissed. No really, totally pissed, Obviously someone is vandalizing the truck. Not just once, or twice but THREE TIMES IN THE SAME NIGHT. I would think that the first time after realizing the alarm went off that well, maybe they would stay away, but no…

Last night, we ended up parking somewhere else (because there’s never parking close to the house when you get home at 3 am.)

Tonight, I’m worried again. Yesterday I was so seriously pissed off and annoyed I was completely ready to leave the city. (Of course driving through the small towns and country roads to visit a friends cottage helped make this idea more feasible.) Last year someone went up and down our street and either punched out the back windows or broke off the windshield wipers.

And now a year later? Someone’s trying to do what? Rip off the door? I don’t get it. I really don’t. Obviously the alarm works, it went off three times.


I’m going to call the POLICE tomorrow just to report it (although I guess I should have done that this morning, but had to be up and out early.) Maybe they will go up and down our street a few more times or something.

I’m calmer now, but holy crap was I full of piss Saturday when I found out there someone was f*cking with the truck.

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