Mmmmmmmmm. Even if I wasn’t an unemployed insomniac waiting for the next big thing to sweep me into the throws of a normal lifestyle…I would find it difficult to sleep on a night like this…

I just want someone to say to me
I’ll always be there when you wake
Ya know I’d like to keep my cheeks dry today
So stay with me and I’ll have it made
And I don’t understand why I sleep all day
And I start to complain that there’s no rain
And all I can do is read a book to stay awake
It rips my life away but its a great escape…escape…escape

The rain.
I love listening to the rain.
And at night, the seductive power of the rain multiplies.
How could I sleep on a night like this?

*I just want to make love to you in some dark rainy street somewhere*

So what are some of your favorite song lyrics about rain?
A mixed CD compilation has been dancing in my head for sometime now…

Songs about rain.

Help me…
I have so far:
Bleed A Little While, Lowest of the Low
Rain, Madonna
Purple Rain, Prince
It Looks Like Rain, Jann Arden
I Wish It Would Rain Down, Phil Collins
November Rain, Guns and Roses
A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall, Bob Dylan
No Rain, Blind Melon
Red Rain, Peter Gabriel
Here Comes the Rain, Eurythmics
Come In From The Rain, Captain and Tenille
Singing in the Rain
Blame it on the Rain, Milli Vanilli
Fire and Rain, James Taylor
It’s Raining Again, Supertramp
Sit and Listen to the Rain, Whiskeytown

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