Last night I left work and made it “home” to the burbs, walked in the door and was soooo tired and gloomy.

An hour later I found myself with Rachel at RLTP shaking hands with Scott Behrend and Jon Elston and excited to see the Opening Night SOLD OUT production Triangles.

Oh. My.

I LOVED it. I mean lovedlovedloved 5 stars out of 5 loved this production.

Loved the first play, loved the second and loved the third.

Loved the intertwining story lines, the sentiments, the heartache, the reality and the commonality of it all.

So many lines linger in my head and went straight to my heart.

Fantastic production.

I have a feeling I’ll be seeing this show again. And YOU should see it too.

In the first two plays, the enormously talented leading actresses, Lisa Vitrano and Kristen Tripp-Kelley, switch roles every other night. I was captivated watching one person deliver every line while watching two people tell the story and look forward to seeing the opposite portrayal of each character.

And the 3rd play? The Elliptical by Jon Elston.


Funny. Real. Warm. Sad. Heartbreaking. Tormenting. Honest.

And so well casted with Todd Benzin, Kelly Meg Brennan, and Bonnie Jean Taylor in each of their roles.

I was really impressed. Rachel and I found ourselves wondering why on earth, when there is so much talent in WNY, do we NOT go to the theater more often? Oh yeah, that’s gonna change.

Thank you JKG and Scott!

Anyone out there want to come with when I see this performance again?

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