Here’s a story, sad but true.
About a TWO WEEK FLIP PHONE that was brand new.
A black line in the crease of the screen unfolds.
Top half of screen goes cold…
I don’t have it in me to be clever – so the rest of the story?
I had to pay a $200 insurance claim for the 2 WEEK OLD SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Flip3 5G phone I bought through Verizon because the screen is broken – replacement will arrive in a few days and THEN I can switch and pay for a different model since the FLIP IS OBVIOUSLY DEFECTIVE.
I’ve had the phone for 2 WEEKS. I had it next to me last night and was using it – opened it before bed and the screen was unresponsive. SAW A BLACK LINE DOWN THE CREASE OF THE SCREEN – WHICH I DID NOTHING TO CREATE OTHER THAN OPEN THE PHONE. But, I had to pay because I BROKE IT?
One can clearly see that the black line in the crease of the fold – how did it appear?
This is a $1000 NEW PHONE.
No functioning phone for “3-5” days and I get to go back and switch phone (within my 30 day upgrade time period.)
First World Problems. Guess I’m supposed to be off my phone more, eh? It is the Full Moon tonight, perhaps there’s something in the air.
I’m looking at it like this – Easter – tomb cracked open – phone cracked – no phone for a few days – kismet.
I need to focus on seeds anyhow., lol
Update: from Verizon Support.
I see. The charge was for the deductible. That is out of our hands as it is charged by the insurance company. I do apologize for the inconvenience.
It’s not really out of your hands if the phone is faulty which caused the damage in the first place. I opened the phone. The fact that it is not able to be returned (TWO WEEKS) is unreal. There isn’t a crack on the screen from damage, it is inside where the fold creases.
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