Seeds. My friend Joey told me that the New Moon tonight meant I should do this:
It’s time to plant your seeds….What do you want to see grow in the next two weeks?
Hmmm. As soon as I read this I felt a literal pull to plant ACTUAL seeds tonight. Well, of course, because I have been all about garden mode the last few days and this weekend is the first weekend in FOREVER that we don’t have (too much) on the calendar so I intend on getting things planted.
My intentions tonight were to stay at the Historical Society and work while they had their talk. But at the same time that Joey messaged me about seeds, someone came in the office who well, how do I say it? Makes me feel uneasy. A bad seed. NO not bad seed, but a moldy seed? Anyhow, the energy in the room around me shifted significantly and not for the better, so home it is. Good timing.
Oh and as for planting seeds…I wrote out my intentions. Let’s see if I can work towards the health—->wealth. I think I will take that check I wrote to the Universe on the new moon on my birthday and put in in the light of the new moon tonight. Just because. Hey, I need all the help I can get.
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