No, seriously?

C’mon already. I’m in the midst of the *busiesttimeever* at work. (Quite successfully mind you, however 16 days is freaking me out, I have so much to do!)

My gma is in the hospital, day by day, waiting…for answers? For something.

I’m pretending I can do anything beyond these two situations and I could truthfully care less. And yes, I have other things to do. I’ve been doing work for the 2nd job every night this week. Oh and my volunteer commitments? Yeah, I’ll see you after Sept. 27th sometime in October.

Allergies have been acting up, nothing unusual but last night? LAST NIGHT around 8 pm when I felt like it simply MUST be at least midnight…I felt a cold coming on. Chest cold. Mother fucker. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? REALLY? Thanks Karma for the bite in the ass chest.

I took medicine, went to bed and woke up feeling the same.

Took the round of vitamins, grabbed a giant protein juice smoothie and hope I remember to eat lunch today.

My perfect day today would be to get through work without speaking/communicating to anyone…go home and go to bed. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Revised: Only communicate through email to the people I have to for work purposes, go home and go to bed. Too bad I have a big meeting at 11:00 eh?


*And it’s that time of the month…no joke.

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