Giant Simba Cat is not letting me get a close-up on his boo-boo so these are the best I can do.
After that STELLER Bills game this past Sunday, I noticed Simba Cat had a very puffy, pillow-like infected ear thing going on. I called a vet on Monday morning and took him into the office today where I found out my baby has ear mites and an ear hematoma that needs surgical attention.
I was ready to leave my baby behind for surgery the next morning but when I went to find out the cost and pay…guess what? They needed a full payment up front. Full. Despite offering a down payment of $400 and paying the rest when I picked him up the next day (total was to be $790) I was told I had to pay for everything in full.
Grrr. (Payday is Thursday.)
So instead of leaving behind my poor guy who was looking at me with this sad face…
The vet cleaned his ear, gave him medicines and I took him home. Surgery is scheduled for Friday morning. And my baby will be wearing a conehead for several…um…two weeks?
Don’t ask me how this is going to work. All the cats go in the basement through the tiny cat door to eat, drink water and poop because the dog Henri apparently enjoys eating cat poop from the litter boxes. I don’t want to sequester Simba Cat in the basement, but he is going to need a litter box somewhere. Oy vey.
We also need to take each and every pet to the vet soon, very soon, to treat them for ear mites and fleas as well…since Simba Cat got them somewhere, they are all likely to have problems. Today’s visit was $135 for the simple treatment so I assume that is what it will cost for the other 3 cats. And Henri, well, he will probably need additional care for his fatty tumors.
Fur babies can be expensive.
I feel like a horrible mama for letting Simba Cat and apparently the others go with ear mites and not know about it. Yes, I know I need to have regular vet visits etc…etc…etc…but this costs money. And when you don’t have a lot of money, you make do with what you have and sometimes end up with a $790 vet bill for your poor kitty cat that could have been avoided with proper health maintenance.
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