I’m simply heartbroken.
I had an awful feeling last night about taking Simba Cat in for surgery this morning. I kept thinking that something else was wrong and he wouldn’t make it. I checked his ear and thought it looked better and considered not taking him in…but I realized I was being silly. He would be fine.
I packed Simba Cat into the carrier and he did his usual howling on the way to the vet. The entire way. I heard him meowing while the assistant took him back to get ready for his surgery, she assured me he would be fine. I left, feeling uneasy. Again thinking I was paranoid. It was a simple procedure. I just couldn’t stand the thought of Simba Cat being there so stressed out.
Around 10am I had a call from the vet which I knew couldn’t be good since his surgery wasn’t scheduled until 11-12. She told me that Simba Cat was very stressed and not handling being there well. They did his blood work which came out fine and then they tried to put the catheter in and he freaked out. Started breathing heavy and panting and they noticed it sounded raspy…
Which is where they found his lungs were filled with fluid and he had undetected cardiomyopathy. My kitty has been going through heart failure and I didn’t even know it.
She told me she would do the best she could, but it was very touch and go and to be prepared for a phone call that he wasn’t going to make it.
Simba Cat with his lungs filled with fluid and his heart not working properly couldn’t handle the stress, and passed away a few minutes later.
I’m devastated.
My poor kitty was alone and terrified and dying and I wasn’t there…and now he’s gone.
I just hope giant kitty is now resting in peace. I’m gonna miss my Bones-y Bones.
Woefully unprepared for this news, yet somewhere in the pit of my stomach…knew.
Mama loves you Simba Cat, I’m so sorry…
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