Springville Wood Blocks. How adorable are these Springville, NY wooden blocks? SQUEE!

Last night I attended a Calico Club meeting at a member’s home and saw THESE. OH MY GOODNESS I couldn’t contain the excitement. It’s not a secret that I’m completely and utterly enchanted with my small town, so seeing all the buildings of note displayed together on a mantle made my heart happy…and jealous!

Calico Club is a small group of women in the Springville area that get together to do social, volunteer and crafty things. Think a mixture of Junior League, Kiwanas and the Red Hat Society. I am the youngest member by perhaps a decade but enjoy every second. I get to mingle with the ladies of Springville and learn all sorts of things. 😉

One of the on going projects over the years has been creating these Springville blocks and selling them. While we aren’t doing them THIS year because it is the big reunion year and we have other activities planned, I have been told we will revisit in the future. Plus, my friend (and sorority sister!) Nancy has a few extras she promised to pass along for me to start my collection.


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