Happy Boxing Day.

Kudos of the hour go to Auntie Carroll for creating a new game sensation that is sweeping the nation or at least the circle of Bakers. I would share with you, but we would have to kill you. Oh and thanks for the wine. P.S. Do NOT be afraid, go after it. GO AFTER IT.

So…there I was driving along my merry old way on the turnpike All was well, I was jamming along to the Christmas tunes, made it into Breezewood, grabbed some Cheetos and gassed up. It started to pretty snow a little before Pittsburgh. Yay to the Holiday Spirit. And then a little more at Erie. This is when I got the phone calls from Auntie Carroll and Brenda, who must have been CRAVING fundrunkChristmas Jen attention…little did they both know that Nanu, my cell phone, had not been charged in many days…ANYHOW.

I hear the weather is bad and Uncle Dan told Carroll to STAY IN DUNKIRK! (AAAAAAgh!) I am thinking the fellows are all a little overreactive. However once I got into New York. BAM. No plows, no salt. The weather was still bearable, but the roads were not. I inched along with big semi-trucks ramming up my behind about 10 minutes into the drive it was white-out. I would have pulled over if I could have. I got to lights on the right and I was so happy to be in Fredonia, at last, but no. It was the prison in Brocton. Boo hiss. BOO HISS. A ten minute drive lasted at least 40 minutes until the next exit was found. I thought the 90 was closed, cause everyone was getting off there, although there was nowhere else to go. Needless to say, everyone did try to get off there. And three jackknifed tractor trailers, two little stuck cars and another 30 minutes later, I was able to move to the toll area. Long trip. All in all, not that much snow, just bad roads. But I was getting a little reminiscent over the days of getting stuck in the big snowstorm in November three years ago…stuck at City Hall…my gas tank was low, I had to get out of the car two times to brush off my windows, I thought I might be celebrating the end my Christmas day on the 90…but…I made it home.

And from home I write. I should get going and visit my boys in Buffalo (Simba and Sasha). And I need some coffee with umph. Gma makes a mean scalloped potatoe and ham dinner, and excellent Grandma Kennedy Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies, but her coffee…so weak. So very weak.

Merry Boxing Day to you all, make sure to snatch up the pretty paper while it lasts!

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