The Artist’s Way Week #8- Recovering a Sense of Strength

*Week 7*

“I shall become a master in this art only after a great deal of practice.” Erich From

“Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what people fear most.” Fyodor Dostoyevski

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein

“Surround yourself with people who respect and treat you well.” Claudia Black

“Trusts that still, small voice that says, “This might work and I’ll try it.” Diane Mariechild

“Man can learn nothing except going from the known to the unknown.” Claude Bernard

“Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.” Linus Pauling

“No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.” Agnes De Mille


They may work as editors instead of writers, film editors instead of film directors, commercial artists instead of fine artists, and get stuck within shouting distance of their dreams.

The key to doing that is to know, to trust, and to act as if a silver lining exists if you are only willing to look at the work differently or to walk through a different door, on that you many have balked at.


“I’m too old for that” ranks with “I don’t have money for it” as a Great Block Lie we use to prevent further exploration. “I’m too old” is something we tell ourselves to save ourselves from the emotional cost of the ego deflation involved in being a beginner.

Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment we are timeless. We discover that as we engage in a creative recover “I felt like a kid,” we may say after a satisfying artist date. Kids are not self-conscious, and once we are actually in the flow of our creativity, neither are we.

At the heart of the anorexia of artistic avoidance is the denial of process. We like to focus on having learned a skill or on having made an artwork. This attention to final form ignores the fact that creativity lies not in the done but in the doing.

Our use of age as a block to creative work interlocks with our toxic finished-product thinking. We have set an appropriate age on certain activities: college graduation, going to med school, writing a first book. This artificial ego requirement asks us to be done when what we truly yearn for is to start something.

Creative people are dramatic, and we use negative drama to scare ourselves out of our creativity with this notion of wholesale and often destructive change. Fantasizing about pursuing our art full-time, we fail to pursue it part-time- or at all.

Creativity requires activity, and this is not good news to most of is. It makes us responsible, and we tend to hate that. You mean I have to do something in order to feel better? yes. And most of us hate to do something when we can obsess about something else instead.


Early patternings, an exercise.

1. As a kid, my dad thought my art was…good? Which made me feel…good?

2. I remember one time when he… heard me singing when I should have been sleeping.

3. I felt very…special and loved about that. I never forgot it.

4. As a kid my mother taught me that my daydreaming was…important?

5. I remember she’d tell me to snap out of it by reminding me…?

6. The person I remember who believed in me was…my Grandma Smith

7. I remember one time when…

Ok. This exercise is ridiculous. Nothing ruined my chance to be an artist as a kid and I had no negative lessons. Whatever.


1. Name your dream: Write and sell books! I would secretly love to be a writer.

2. One concrete goal that signals to you its accomplishment. Multibook Deal

3. Perfect world, where would you like to be? On my 2nd or 3rd book 😉

4. What action can I take this year to move me closer? Query agents. Finish more chapters.

5. What about this month? Write a certain number of pages?
This Week?
This Day?
Right Now?

6. What might you have been if you had perfect nurturing? Huh? I hate these questions. I would be…the same…not perfect. No one is.

7. Color Schemes. Pick a color and write a quick few sentences describing yourself.
Stuck, sage in the fluffy sticky gooey areas. Torn between black and white thinking. Dreaming, but not allowing the sun to shine through.

Whoa. Interesting, where did THAT come from?

8. List things you like to do: Read, write, play, talk, sing, dream, walk, take pictures, nurture, volunteer, be with friends, learn, explore, travel.

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