The Wedding of the Ex?

I never even had a chance to dread seeing photos of a someday wedding of my ex…since he married a woman in another continent about 27 seconds after we broke up, I was at the point of thinking of moving to my own place and he was already married. <sarcasm>Lucky for me at the time Facebook made sure I saw the photos because mutual friends commented on them. Fun times.</end sarcasm>

I do find it interesting the main cause on my end of our breaking up was the anti-movement towards marriage and children. And yet 2 and a half years later? I’m in my FIRST relationship after the breakup after dating for a bit and my ex…um, I guess he still has a wife and a stepson who live in another continent?

As long as we both are happy…right?

If I could have only had a clear crystal ball several years ago.

Then again, if I knew then what I know now would I have changed anything? Probably not. No regrets, just life lessons.

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