This Appearing House, by Ally Malinenko

My friend Ally writes books. I’m so darn excited for her new baby released out into the world this week. Ally, you are an inspiration! Smiled huge when seeing “Author of Ghost Girl” on the cover!

I’m admittedly not a fan of scary stories *and rarely choose to read them* but this book, this book is so.much.more.

“…a break is not the end of an object. That repair doesn’t restore the object to what it was; it remakes it into something else. Everything breaks. But everything can be fixed. Everything can be remade. There is beauty in the breaking and remaking of a thing.”

I instantly was swept away into the chilling, thrilling, obscure, twisty-turvy world of This Appearing House. Down each hall, staircase, adjoining room – exists vivid (and creeeeeeepy) descriptions of – of – hallucinations? Ghosts? Monsters? TYPEWRITERS? Teeth? Ack! And those creepy grey hands that greet each new chapter!

I couldn’t get enough. And I am so happy to know this book exists in the world for all the young- and not so young-to read and feel seen and validated.

Go read. And share with someone you love.

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