I’m even wearing my POLISH in BUFFALO (Born in Buffalo) hoodie, from the one year it was so freaking cold we all had to break down and buy hoodies. Sleet! Snow! (It was hardly a stretch, a red Polish Buffalo hoodie, yes please!)
- I’m old and unhealthy.
- And cranky and wahwahwah.
- Because I’m #1 and #2 crowded places make me stabby.
- HWMMS and I both work until 5pm.
- Because of #4 we wouldn’t get there anytime early for the parade (which is the best part) and parking, oh my goodness, we’ve been there “late” before around 4:45pm and parking is a beast.
- Tickets for Terminal $16.50. Tickets for Tent $10. Food. Drink. Extra. Not sure we would be staying long enough to make it worth our while (after parking.) We both have to work in the morning.
- See #1 – #3
Hmmmm. To Dyngus or Not To Dyngus That Is The Question?
As you can see from the photo, we opted not to go out for Dyngus Day, But as HWMMS said, if we have a real Polish Princess at our house, it counts as an official Dyngus celebration.
Mmmmm. Kielbasa. Kraut. Pierogies. Krupnik
I shall not admit how many pierogies I ate.
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