Today I woke up EXHAUSTED. Despite the fact I went to bed relatively early (for me) by 11pm.
Today I woke up sneezing with my nose running a mile a minute. Despite the fact I had been taking Mucinex all day Sunday to offset the impending feeling of uck.
I shall not complain, I’ve been sick a day or two, more than once the last month or so but nothing everlasting. And overall my allergies have been a dream this season compared to last. And last month was super busy and stressful. KNOCK ON WOOD.
Today, after going through an entire box of cheap Kleenex tissues, I went back to bed after taking Mark to work and woke up around 2:30. I guess my body needed the sleep. I felt a little less drippy but still stuffy.
Today I went to work at Job #2 for the night and by the end of the evening had a head that was pounding. Pressure. Pressure head pressure sinus pressure.
I’m not looking forward to getting up tomorrow and going through this again…I should get up super early and medicate myself in advance. Because 200 sneezing moments in the office is never really appreciated, but I have work that needs to be done.
Bah. Today, I’m glad it’s over.
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