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  1. HWMMS found my fitbit! Hurrah!
  2. You know it’s about to rain like crazy when the entire house turns dark and you can’t get a decent internet signal.
  3. Puppies are enjoying big hunks of frozen beef soup bones. They have a good life.
  4. I *heart* Flea Market Flip.
  5. The song “We Are The World” has been on constant earworm status the last few nights.
  6. What is that sorcery behind Cadbury Easter chocolates?
  7. Time for Harley Under the Blankie Snuggles . 11:11pm on a Friday. No shame in my game.
  8. I solemnly swear that I know if I get off my ass and take the dogs even for a short walk I will feel light years better. But, I’m stuck.
  9. Been writing. At 23,589 words for April. has kept me on track. But now, I feel like crying and just want to go to sleep.
  10. Our house has reached the critical point in stuffed dog toy land where we just say “go get remnant…” instead of calling the toys by name.
  11. “We’re all crazy. The key is finding someone who understands your kind of crazy.” -HWMMS
  12. I find it amusing that the letter I on my keyboard is sticking today.
  13. Today, is SEO Friday for All Things Jennifer. Exciting, I know.
  14. So. Tired. Of. Being. Blah.
  15. Take. Me. There. Now.
  17. Holy. Grumpy. Jenny. I need to put myself to bed.
  18. Our old Roomba loves to play hide and seek.
  19. Windows are open. Peepers are peeping. Glorious. (Ha—I *almost* wrote peeing but I caught the error before Tweeting!)
  20. Inbox Zero obtained for work email. Time to go home.
  21. No. National Sibling Day. No. National Pet Day. I Follow National No Made Up Holiday Day Every. Day.
  22. Dogs needed to go outside. Nice warm morning, peepers on pond peeping. ALMOST made me want to grab coffee on the porch early. Almost.
  23. Where did the weekend go?
  24. (finally starting to feel better again… )
  25. I told mom I would break her out tomorrow afternoon and wheel her 1/2 mile up the street into town to hang at my office.
  26. I kicked my mom’s butt at about 27 games of Connect Four this afternoon, she then beat me at Yahtzee.
  27. Two small walks with dogs, way better than no small walk with dogs.

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