Twitterments. Me in 140 charcters or less. Like what you see, come follow me!
- HWMMS found my fitbit! Hurrah!
- You know it’s about to rain like crazy when the entire house turns dark and you can’t get a decent internet signal.
#countryliving - Puppies are enjoying big hunks of frozen beef soup bones. They have a good life.
- I *heart* Flea Market Flip.
- The song “We Are The World” has been on constant earworm status the last few nights.
- What is that sorcery behind Cadbury Easter chocolates?
#nomnomnom - Time for Harley Under the Blankie Snuggles . 11:11pm on a Friday. No shame in my game.
- I solemnly swear that I know if I get off my ass and take the dogs even for a short walk I will feel light years better. But, I’m stuck.
- Been writing. At 23,589 words for April.
#CampNoWriMo has kept me on track. But now, I feel like crying and just want to go to sleep. - Our house has reached the critical point in stuffed dog toy land where we just say “go get remnant…” instead of calling the toys by name.
- “We’re all crazy. The key is finding someone who understands your kind of crazy.” -HWMMS
- I find it amusing that the letter I on my keyboard is sticking today.
#MeMyselfI2017 - Today, is SEO Friday for All Things Jennifer. Exciting, I know.
- So. Tired. Of. Being. Blah.
- Take. Me. There. Now.
- Holy. Grumpy. Jenny. I need to put myself to bed.
- Our old Roomba loves to play hide and seek.
- Windows are open. Peepers are peeping. Glorious.
#Spring (Ha—I *almost* wrote peeing but I caught the error before Tweeting!) - Inbox Zero obtained for work email. Time to go home.
- No. National Sibling Day. No. National Pet Day. I Follow National No Made Up Holiday Day Every. Day.
- Dogs needed to go outside. Nice warm morning, peepers on pond peeping. ALMOST made me want to grab coffee on the porch early. Almost.
#zzz - Where did the weekend go?
#AskingForEVERYBODY - (finally starting to feel better again… )
#finally#shhhhhhhhh - I told mom I would break her out tomorrow afternoon and wheel her 1/2 mile up the street into town to hang at my office.
#ImCrazy - I kicked my mom’s butt at about 27 games of Connect Four this afternoon, she then beat me at Yahtzee.
- Two small walks with dogs, way better than no small walk with dogs.
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