Because not everybody loves Twitter like I do…

  1. Oh my gosh I have an incredibly heavy sense of sadness today and I’m not sure at all where it’s coming from. 🙁
  2. Day 2 words: 1,731. Meh. Not impressed. Should be more. But at least, words.
  3. My dogs are acting out. It could be the fact their mama has been cursing, loudly, at the teevee at 11pm instead of getting ready for bed.
  4. So I missed the first half of the game while out at an AMAZING night of storytelling/theater. Ready for a win…let’s go!
  5. Why do I not listen to the DirectTV 80’s music station all the time? “Dancing on the Ceiling” for the win!
  6. Oops. I was doing work. Then different work then got lost down a rabbit hole looking at Christmas Pinecone Crafts to make with
  7. Day One, Words on page. 2460. (All I needed was a 1 at the end and I’m Jean Valjean!)
  8. I get so excited when I see 10 new followers! And then I realize 6 of them are spam. DAMN YOU TWITTER SPAM. and
  9. “The new iPhone is not going to save your soul.” –
  10. My Husband is spouting wonderful thoughts and words of kindness about the world on the radio with right now. My heart…
  11. “Take the risk. You never, never, never know…” –
  12. “We don’t get to choose our time.”
  13. A few days in a row of shitty news makes for a tough mindset for the rest of the week. It’s only Wednesday? 🙁
  14. Where do random nicknames come from? All of a sudden HWMMS and I started calling Harley Dog “Baby Beluga.” Why? How? No idea but it stuck.
  15. Current thought marinating in my mind…why are people afraid of dying? Why can’t I just be pondering what to wear to work tomorrow? Ugh.
  16. The Great Gatsby, The Road, & A Room of One’s Own: What classics were you sure you’d love, but ended up hating?
  17. I’m gonna be 44 yrs old and I still can’t contain myself from childlike joy when I see the first giant flakes of snow falling from the sky.
  18. Oh Look! More Mini Candy Bar Wrappers In My Bra: A Love Story
  19. Some people (I hear) actually get out of bed in the morning and start their day without coffee. Highly suspect methinks.
  20. I wish I lived in a world where bologna wasn’t delicious.
  21. I must be 27% lion.: Feeling tired on this Monday? Did you know that lions sleep for about 20 hours a day?
  22. When you wake at 3:30 am and can’t fall back to sleep because of a deep, troubling sense of foreboding over your parents…
  23. When you wake up to go to the bathroom and realize it’s only 3:30am and you have hours left to snooze…
  24. What’s it all about? (What’s it all about?)
  25. GOALS 1, More Freelance Writing Gigs 3. Travel – See more of USA 5. Complete Weber Wonderland Renovations 10. Rabbits/Chickens/Goats on Homestead
  26. Currently having one of those existential midlife 40+something moments where I wonder what’s the point of it all if I don’t have kids. Sigh.
  27. I hate everything right now. I have lots of friends hurting. My head is in pain.

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