Twitterments. Me in 140 charcters or less. Like what you see, come follow me!

  1. Love a good herb garden!
  2. Oh my goodness I wish I could have acres of peonies…
  3. It’s weird that there’s a March for the Climate. Right?
  4. Spent time this misty grey afternoon weeding the onion patch & herb garden. My hands are frozen. I thought it was going to be nice out…
  5. Words Remaining: 4,404 Can I?
  6. I have a few healthy habits in my wheelhouse. Not drinking diet soda is one of them, in fact I rarely drink pop at all…almost always H20.
  7. Wait? Ginger syrup is a thing?
  8. Coffee in bed. I love my husband.
  9. Bah! It is cloudy and rainy looking outside. I thought it was going to be good outside weather this weekend?
  10. My goal…to reach my word count tomorrow.
  11. 84 is a little too warm for April in WNY.
  12. Late afternoon slump. I need to rally —- work event tonight!
  13. Thursday in the office. Strange feeling.
  14. My dogs are heavy chewers, Bully sticks last maybe 10-15 minutes in this house.
  15. Calling all Authors: Wanna promote your book? Message me for details about scheduling a signing at the Erie County Fair!
  16. I *heart* Mark’s Country Store.
  17. Oh the drama. They do realize this is only going to make students want to Fredfest even more, right?
  18. “Harley doesn’t like Governor Cuomo.”-HWMMS
  19. Reaching the final countdown at 40,391 words.
  20. And mom is home. (Not the nursing home, not Weber Wonderland home, but her home—home.)
  21. Other people are freaked out by the stalkerish missed connections development on right? Or is it just me?
  22. DRAMA. ARUGH. Unhappy. Not for me but for HWMMS.
  23. I don’t have anything I have to do on my schedule today, yet I have this unsettling feeling I’m missing and overlooking SOMETHING.
  24. It was a good day of work. My brain is bubbling over with activity and ideas…
  25. I’m already thinking about my morning coffee…
  26. Holy crap time flies when you’re having fun…I could use another 8 hours to get work done today though…
  27. I’m feeling very needy…

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