One would think that with our wedding next weekend we might have started really planning a trip or 27. But one would be underestimating our power of slackerdom.

It appears that we will be doing a bunch of little trips all over the USA this summer instead of one big RV tour. Part of the trip might still involve an RV, or it might not. We need to figure EVERYTHING out. The problem is…well, there are no problems but we do have a bit of a juggling game to work around with the garden, and the dog, and concert tickets already purchased for the summer, and awesome events with friends and family we don’t want to miss.

I’ve been saying we will be traveling like bicycle wheel spokes…up to New England—-back home. Over to NYC/Philly—back home. Down to DC/Virgina/Carolinas—back home, Bama/New Orleans—back home. Everything is a possibility when nothing is planned! We will be sneaking away SOMEWHERE the week after the wedding for a few days and make more definitive plans for the summer at that time while diving into a pile of books and enjoying life together as Mr. & Mrs.

Any suggestions to where we should go? What books to read? Let us know!!!


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