
This bronchitis is kicking my butt…I’m impatient. I feel better but sooooo not better. Sigh.

That said, my mood today. Yikes, the veil is thin. I’ve cried 4 times. (Edit: 5!)

1. I cried when a dragonfly greeted me on the porch this morning when I went out with a cup of coffee and my dogs. It’s been a while since seeing one.

2. I cried when I read the news about kids in cages from internment camps, then I closed out of Twitter.

3. I cried while petting my Harley Boo in bed after reading Twitter thinking about all the sweet doggos out there who need homes. ALSO KIDS IN CAGES.

4. I cried when I got to the part of the audiobook where SOC ruled in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

5. When the amazingly talented Zona Lucia shared an incredible story reaffirming my faith in “listening and following your intuition.”

And then I realized, after getting a reminder call from my primary about setting up a follow up appointment, that I stopped taking my Zoloft last week while sick in bed. MAYBE that has something to do with it? I mean on any fully medicated and able to breathe without coughing day I would cry at anyone of these things, but…

Oy vey. It’s only Wednesday?

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