“Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.” -Irving Berlin
Ah. Can I just tell you HOW happy I was to spend a quiet, peaceful night alone with my sweetie last night? No, seriously…it’s been a rough couple of weeks and I for one needed a nice dinner out alone. Sorting through feelings of grief and death always hyperextends my focus on the here and now and what it all means. Being able to just be…be for a moment, well, rejuvenates my spirit. I’ve been holding on just a little tighter to Mark’s hand lately, giving him a few more kisses and hugging him closer. Life’s just too damn short and unpredictable and you NEVER know just how much time you have here on earth together. Our friend KJ was blessed with 24 years with her husband, and still, it wasn’t nearly enough time.
Ok, now that I’m crying…
So anyway. Last night, Mark and I headed up pass the border to Fort Erie, Ontario to indulge at Ming Teh for superdelicious Beef and Green Onions (if you like green onions, this dish is for you) and Lemon Chicken. We splurged, yes, in our world this is splurging we really don’t go out to dinner too often and when we do, we choose appetizers or drinks, last night we did BOTH! And for the rest of the night we found ourselves reading and TV watching and falling asleep on the futon. A perfect evening in.
And this morning? Ah, this morning is one of those VERY RARE Saturday mornings that the alarm clock doesn’t go off. Mark teaches Wing Chun in Rochester every Saturday morning and is out the door early. On those once in a while occasions when we have something else planned on Saturday we almost always still have to get up early. But not today…
TODAY? Today is PENGUIN DAYS. Jenny Penguin Christmas!!!
Mark and I are headed to The Aquarium of Niagara around lunch time with my favorite little Jessie Penguin and her mommies and my favorite niece Little A and her mommy and daddy for some good ol’ fashioned penguin watching.
My girls LOVE PENGUINS! (DUH!) And I wouldn’t want it ANY OTHER WAY! So excited. LittleA has grown leaps and bounds since the last time we saw the penguins! She remembers being afraid of the *big* penguin (pictured above) but I wonder just how much she remembers… I am sooooooooooooo excited to watch her and Jessie together with the penguins!
Later tonight we are headed to Trimania. All in all, we consider this an expensive weekend. But they happen so rarely! I can count on exactly one finger the amount of times that Mark and I have been out this year (Gosh, even last year…) to see live music/art/dance and merriment. Sad, tis sad. So we shall remedy that situation tonight! Of course, the events today are for a good causes supporting the Aquarium of Niagara (and the PENGUINS) and the Buffalo Arts Studio…so that makes my pocketbook and bleeding community heart smile.
Start knocking on wood, because we are finally at a point (serious, knocking) where we have been able to pay the bills for the month EARLY and well we have been socking away a very wee bit but still something in savings instead of living the dreaded paycheck to f***ing paycheck. Yay for 2008! You know, the way normal people live, right? Now if we can just throw in a few small trips in there and sock away some $$$ for a big party and future kiddies, well, all in good time. 😉 One step at a time.
I’ve once again rediscovered the fact that there’s never going to be a *good* or *better* time. Right now is fine. In a few years when we have children, that will be a different story, but we have to start living NOW. A night out once in a while won’t hurt, especially when all the bills are paid for the month. And we want to do more of these things together…before settling down into a family. We want a few solo trips (across the ocean would be a dream, who knows?) But even a long weekend trip to Toronto or Chicago needs to be planned. A weekend of camping, of horseback riding, of wine tasting. Needs to be planned.
I realized this past week that since Mark and I have been together the only trips we have taken together, involved seeing friends. NOT THAT THIS IS A BAD THING. I love visiting my friends! But going to Boston for a wedding and Annapolis/D.C. to see friends and Cleveland to see friends and Montreal to see friends and NYC with my brother and sister-in-law are the only trips we’ve taken together. Not even an overnight in Toronto. What the hell are we waiting for? Ok, in fairness, money. When you are behind on everyday life and just barely making ends meets even a weekend to see friends is expensive…
I also realized that since we’ve been together we’ve been to only one wedding together and three, three funerals. Ugh. Of course this year we have four weddings in the calendar, but…well you see what I’m talking about. Life is short. Celebrate today.
Of course, I realize I need to get some supplemental income flowing to make these dreams really happen. (Must start freelancing.) I did have a most excellent interview this week for a wee 10 hour a month gig for a FANTASTIC organization so if all goes well, that will bring in a few spending dollars. My Marky already has his PT gig every third week up in Rochester (and he has to work this Sunday) and that ends up being our gas money, for frequent trips to Rochester of course. Right now? Outlook positive. Looking towards the future…onward and upwards. Of course tomorrow I’ll likely be crying over some expense or something else which always happens, but for now…I’m content. Like I said, life is short.
Enjoy your weekend, friends.
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